Thought from twitter

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Here's some thought I found at twitter (about empty, broken, missing someone, lonely, love etc) :
  • Do you miss me? or do you miss that feeling you had when I was with you? - byflutter
  • I like naps and you. -itsposttmalone
  • Doesn't matter how much you want them, they're gonna leave if they don't want you. -mellissajoann
  • Kemarin masih bilang kangen, bilang sayang; hari ini ilang itu...... hipotesa nol penyebabnya apaan ya selain ternyata dia udah punya pasangan? - falla_dinda
  • Makhluk goib sekarang kelakuannya aneh-aneh. Ada yang suka nunjukin penampakan seram. Ada yang suka minda-mindah barang. Ada yang kemarin bilang sayang, sekarang ngilang. - LordRio82
  • Kangen juga bisa datang saat kita tidak sengaja mendengarkan musik yang dulu sering dia ulang-ulang. - Yodeesigner
  • I will celebrate this life of mine, with or without you. The moon does not need the sun to tell her she is already whole. - LangLeav
  • Please know that I have replied to your email in my heart. - ameliatait
  • Kangen terhebat datang di malam-malam tergelap. - raesaka
  • If you're feeling down tonight, think 5 years ahead. Think of all the good music you'll hear between now & then. All the places you'll visit. All the food you'll eat. Maybe you'll have even met the love of your life. I know life can get hard, but better things await. Seek hope. - Adammoore
  • Kamu kasih kode gitu terus emang udah pasti dia baca? kalau baca juga, dia gak peduli. -Raesaka
  • "Damn, you reply quick you bored?" First of all I am in love with you... - sarcasm
  • Dignify today with gratitude, even if you have to do it trough a broken heart. - Unknown
  • Fall in love with people I can't have. Over and over again. - Monstreza
  • Selain kelaparan, yang tidak bisa diajak bercanda itu rasa kangen - Raesaka
  • Let go, so you can finally say "Let's go". - Miund
  • God let me to know this man, as an example for me, and He quickly replcaed him with someone much more better than I ever imagine. Then I know, God wants me to wait. There are still a decent human being worth to be your half, as long as you wait. Wait for His time. - Niketania
  • Harusnya kamu buat aku bergelimang harta, bukan berlinang air mata. - Budesumiyati
  • Advice to the unmarried : Islam encourages early marriage but don't let anyone make you compromise quality for expediency. It's better to wait for the right person than settle and succumb to pressure. You're not a bottle of milk, you won't expire. Don't panic and trust God. - ShaykhAzhar
  • Dear Cupid, next time shoot us both. -9GAG
Ya thankyou Twitter! twitter helps me out from "kegalauan" ? ahahahaha kalimat-kalimat ini yang menemaniku when I feel so broken. Thankyou! Twitter thought made my day. 


Nadia Amanda.

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